West Leyden Trail Issue

A very irate long-time landowner has just informed us he is closing his land to everybody.  It is on the West Leyden trail between the Dorn Spur Road and the Dorn Road.   It is not necessarily the snowmobilers that have caused the problem, but a lot of recent general trespassing and total disrespect by hunters and ATVers has caused him to be fed up with  the general public and he is shutting his property off to everyone.  The Club offered to have a crew go and do some fencing, but he would not accept any help.   This is a vital part of the West Leyden Trail and will need a large reroute. If anyone has any ideas for a reroute in this area, please contact Dan 315-794-5154 or John 315-723-3033 asap.  We really need some help in this matter.  
 This is a good example of what we try to stress ... be considerate on the trail and respect the landowner!